Why Are Moms At Risk For Autoimmune Disease?
Dec 02, 2022
I want to start off by saying that a woman's body is AMAZING. We are mentally and physically strong. We are built for childbirth and are the glue that keeps our household together. We know where EVERYTHING is in the house, we keep track of all the appointments, what clothes the kids have not grown out of, and what foods were going to cook for the holidays. Honestly, we do too much. But we're amazing cause for the most part... "we can handle it."
But… Out of 50 million people living with autoimmune disease, 80% are women. This tells me that the pressure we put on ourselves to be the best wife, and the best mom, and still keep up with our own hobbies and self-care is increasing all the stress hormones inside our bodies. And well, we gotta chill!
What are autoimmune diseases?
According to the Women’s Health Research Institute, “Autoimmune diseases are those where the body, for whatever reason, starts fighting its own cells with an autoimmune response”.
Why do women have an increased risk?
There is no definite answer, but some of the reasons that have been found are…
- Our immune system is so unique and is more complicated than men’s. The female body has stronger inflammation processes, which play a key role in autoimmune diseases.
- The complexity of our hormones is another reason why women tend to be more at risk for autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases flare when female sex hormone fluctuations take place. These fluctuations can occur during the monthly menstrual cycle, perimenopause, menopause and when taking synthetic hormones.
- Pregnancy can also trigger autoimmune disease. Significant hormonal shifts occurring during pregnancy, birth and postpartum making women more venerable. For example, Postpartum Thyroiditis is a common autoimmune condition linked to pregnancy.
It is time to reclaim your health AND your family’s
Since you are suffering from all these random symptoms of your body’s attacking itself, it’s important to teach your kids healthy habits to decrease their risk of growing up with the same symptoms as you.
Don’t overlook habits that don’t support your health such as – consuming alcohol, smoking, eating unhealthily, being overweight, etc. Health is wealth and autoimmune diseases are solvable. Addressing them timely and preventing them is best!
I lived with an autoimmune disease and the pain that comes with it for years before I became a mom. But it didn’t quite bother me. I had all the pain meds to get me through my long 12-hour work shifts at the hospital, and when I got off work, I just slept the days away. But now that I am a mom, it became more important than ever to do these things for myself, so I can be present for my kids.
Making yourself a priority is not selfish! The healthier you are, the greater benefit it is to those around you!
I know you’ve heard this over and over again, but I’m here to say it again – put your mental and physical health first, so you can be the mom you want to be ❤️
Here are a few things that moms and wives should consider when navigating life with an autoimmune disease:
Allow time for yourself:
Give yourself importance and priority. Allow yourself some time of peace and relaxation, even if you can only find a few minutes. Listen to good music or go alone on a walk near the sea or park. A sound mind has a sound body, so make sure you are mentally relaxed as well. Spend time with people of your own age (aka adults). A study shows that socializing with people of your age is highly effective for mental growth and stability.
Accept yourself:
You have an autoimmune disease; it is time you give yourself grace, take care of yourself, and accept the new life that has taken place.
Give yourself some alone time and get to know yourself better. Instead of resisting the new you, grieving the things you no longer can do, or the life you once had, start getting to know the new you and create a positive future for yourself.
Most people find it hard to come to terms with having an autoimmune disease. It is okay to feel that way. Give yourself time and surround yourself with positive things. Once you accept the new autoimmune way of life, your routine and preferences will change.
Do not expect too much from yourself:
It is okay if you’re not super-woman. Practice self-compassion and give yourself a lot of grace! No one can give you a better boost than yourself. Do not put unrealistic expectations on yourself and make goals on how to accomplish things without building pressure on yourself.
Surround yourself with supportive people:
Make friends and spend time around people that understand you the most. The people that accept you the way you are and want the best for you are the ones you want to have around. People who continuously degrade you or lower your self-esteem are people who you should not be spending your time with. You are amazing … remember that!
If you want to be around people who get you and are continuously working on their own health journey, join our community. You’ll find a group of like-minded women who are here to empower you through your journey as we share our struggles and wins!
Even though I’ve healed my autoimmune pains, I still struggle to stay on top of that healthy lifestyle to maintain it. So, doing this with you all is great accountability for myself also ❤️ Can’t wait to see you there!